Larches are conifers in the genus Larix, in the family Pinaceae. Growing from 20 to 45 m tall,Rushforth 1986 they are native to much of the cooler temperate northern hemisphere, on lowlands in the north and high on mountains further south.
larchとは意味:larch 落葉松 らくようしょう からまつ larch meaning: Noun: larch laa(r)ch Wood of a larch tree Any of numerous conifers of the genus Larix all having deciduous needlelike leaves - larch tree Derived forms: larches Type ...larch en francais:n. mélèze (bois de la famille des conifères)larch artinya:pohon pinus berdaun runcinglarch 뜻:noun, 낙엽송larch перевод:1) _бот. лиственница (Larix) 2) древесина лиственницы