lamentationとは意味:lamentation n. 悲嘆, 号泣. 【動詞+】 ◆pour out lamentations over the past 過ぎ去ったことに対する悲しみの言葉が口をついて出た ◆set up a great lamentation 大きな悲嘆の声をあげる ◆He could not stifle a lamentation for his departed wife. 亡き妻を思い悲しみの...lamentation meaning: Noun: lamentation `lamun'teyshun A cry of sorrow and grief - lament , plaint , wail The passionate and demonstrative activity of expressing grief - mourning Derived...lamentation en francais:n. lamentation; oraison funèbre, deuil; pleurslamentation artinya:keluhanlamentation 뜻:noun, 슬픔, 비탄lamentation перевод:1) жалобы, сетования; ламентации Ex: they raised a cry of lamentation они подняли вопль _Id: Lamentations (of Jeremiah) _библ. плач Иеремии