I replied lamely that i hope to justify his confidence . 我漫不经心地回答说,我希望我能不辜负他对我的信任。
He is lame in the left leg and he walks lamely 他左腿跛了,走起路来一瘸一拐地。
" i guess i forgot your last birthday , mart , " she mumbled lamely “我好像忘了你上次的生日了,马。 ”
He broke off lamely . he was confused , painfully conscious of his inarticulateness 他讪讪地住了嘴,但方寸已乱,因为自己笨嘴拙舌很感到难为情。
I love her ; i have promised to marry her , and i am going to marry herso you see its no use talking of such a thing , nikolay concluded lamely , flushing crimson 我爱她,我许诺要娶她,而且一定要娶她所以您瞧,这件事就不能谈了。 ”
lamelyとは意味:{副} : 弱々{よわよわ}しく、力なく lamely meaning: Adverb: lamely leymlee In a weak and unconvincing manner "'I don't know, Edward,' she answered lamely" See also: lame lamely en francais:adv. sans conviction, qui n'est pas coutume, d'une manière "tordue"lamely artinya:dengan tertegun-tegunlamely 뜻:adverb, 절름발이의, 불충분한, 앞뒤가 맞지 않는lamely перевод:1) хромая, прихрамывая 2) спотыкаясь, запинаясь; нескладно