lamellaとは意味:{名} : 薄板{うすいた}、薄膜{はくまく}、薄層{はくそう} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】lэme'lэ、【分節】la?mel?la lamella meaning: Noun: lamella (lamellae) lu'melu Any of the radiating leaflike spore-producing structures on the underside of the cap of a mushroom or similar fungus - gill A thin membran...lamella en francais:n. lamelle, petit lame, petit couche cellulaire (os, tissu, cellule etc.)lamella artinya:lapis tipislamella 뜻:noun, 얇은판자, 앎은층lamella перевод:1) пластинка, чешуйка 2) тонкий слой (кости, животной ткани) 3) _спец. ламель