This series product adopt revions - labyrinthian strctre , they have performance of water - proof and dust - proof , the protection grade reaches ip65 本系列产品为迷宫式防水结构,具有良好的防水、防尘性能,防护等级为ip65 。
labyrinthianとは意味:{形} : 迷宮の、入り組んだ、複雑な、分かりにくい -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】lae`bэri'nθiэn labyrinthian meaning: Adjective: labyrinthian `labu'rintheeun Resembling a labyrinth in form or complexity - labyrinthine , mazy See also: complex , labyrinth labyrinthian en francais:adj. labyrinthique, compliqué, complexe; dédalée; relatif à un labyrinthelabyrinthian artinya:berselirat