Mr . talabani , who is an iraqi kurd , says the u . s . would be welcome to establish long - term bases in the kurdistan autonomous region of northern iraq 塔拉巴尼是伊拉克库尔德人。他说,伊拉克欢迎美国在伊拉克北部库尔德斯坦自治区建立长期的基地。
In baghdad , capital of iraq , there are about 20 telecom workers besides the chinese diplomatic staff . hundreds of chinese workers are also in the kurdistan area of north iraq 在伊拉克首都巴格达,除了中国外交官,另外还有大约20名电信公司的工人。在伊拉克北部的- -也有很多中国工人。
Through detailed reporting ? from closed nuclear cities in the southern urals to smuggler trails in kurdistan ? the author corrects many popular misunderstandings about the nuclear business 通过详细的报告从关闭的乌拉尔核城市到库尔德斯坦的走私案作者纠正了关于许多关于核交易的流行的误解。
The turks ' targets were kurdish fighters of the kurdistan workers ' party ( pkk ) , who have used bases inside the semi - autonomous kurdish enclave in northern iraq to launch raids into turkey 土耳其人的目标是库尔德工人党( pkk )的库尔德武装,他们使用位于伊拉克北部半自治的库尔德地区向土耳其发动袭击。
Turkey ' s government , too , seems readier to accept the reality of an autonomous kurdistan in a federal iraq , even though the recent bombings are bound to stir anti - kurdish feelings anew 另外,即使最近的炸弹袭击事件肯定会重新激发反库尔德人情绪,土耳其政府似乎也准备接纳伊拉克联邦内自治的库尔德人。
kurdistanとは意味:{地名} : クルジスタン、クルディスタン kurdistan meaning: Noun: Kurdistan 'kurdi`stan An oriental rug woven by Kurds that is noted for fine colours and durability An extensive geographical region in the Middle East to the south of t...kurdistan en francais:n. kurdistan, région située entre la turquie et l'irankurdistan artinya:kurdistankurdistan 뜻:noun, (아시아 서남부 터키, 이란, 이라크에 걸친)고원 지대(주민은 주로 쿠르드 사람)kurdistan перевод:
сущ.; геогр. Курдистан (территория в Западной Азии, в пределах Ирана)