That was a 550 lb bomb dropped from the port rack of a junkers 88 应该是德国人的88型轰炸机扔下来的550炸弹
I can ' t believe you still drive that junker , it probably will fall apart on the road 真不敢相信你还开着那个破家伙,它不定哪天在路上就散架了。
I ' m going to drop the junker so i can tow the truck off the tracks before a freight train blows through 我要放下破车,这样才能在火车冲过前把卡车从铁轨上吊下来。 ”
Oh , don ' t buy those junkers , buy the new cars over here . yeah , they ' re little more expensive but they run longer 别买那些垃圾,去买那边的新车。它们虽说有点贵,可开的时间要长得多。
He answered hurriedly . “ i was towing this junker when i saw a pickup truck stuck over there on that railroad crossing 他匆忙回答道: “我正吊着这辆破车,看到一辆皮卡堵在火车道叉口。
In the 19th and 20th centuries, Junker (; ) was an often pejorative designation for a member of the landed nobility in Prussia and eastern Germany (East Elbia).
junkerとは意味:{名} : ぽんこつ自動車{じどうしゃ}、麻薬常習者{まやく じょうしゅうしゃ} junker meaning: Noun: Junker yûngku(r) Member of the Prussian aristocracy noted especially for militarism Derived forms: Junkers Type of: Prussian Encyclopedia: Junker junker en francais:n. junker, nom de famille; aristocrate prussejunker artinya:junkerjunker 뜻:noun, 독일의 청년 귀족, 귀공자(보수적이고 오만한) n, 마약중독자junker перевод:1) _сл. наркоман, особ. пользующийся героином 2) торговец наркотиками, особ. героином 3) _ам. старьевщик 4) _ам. _разг. вещь, годная только на выброс (особ. об автомобиле, станке и т. п.)