Other appreciation letters certifications issued by our clients umc , jungli citizen s representative council , long ban development co . , etc . 业主联华电子中坜市民代表会邦建设等致赠感谢状。
Other appreciation letterscertifications issued by our clients ( umc , jungli citizen s representative council , long ban development co . , etc . ) 业主(联华电子、中坜市民代表会、龙邦建设等)致赠感谢状。
When passing through jungli rest area about 54 km , keep right and prepare for exiting freeway at jung - li interchange 56km southbound . 高速公路:过中坜休息站(约54公里处)后,靠右线行驶,准备在中坜交流道( 56公里出口)下高速公路。
The special district is bordered on the east by hsinchieh stream , on the west by chia stream , on the north by the 60 dnl noise boundary of taoyuan military airport and on the south by the current scope of the specified area of jungli and neili interchanges . the total area covered is 428 hectares , excluding the 20 hectares for hsr station 本特定区范围东以新街溪为界,西至洽溪为界,北侧参照桃园军用机场1990年日夜均能音量60dnl噪音界线为界,南以衔接现有中坜及内坜交流道特定区都市计画范围为界,扣除高铁车站专用区20公顷,面积为428公顷。
jungli meaning: /jungˈgli/ adjective (Ind) 1. Inhabiting a jungle 2. Wild and boorish noun 1. An inhabitant of a jungle 2. An uneducated peasantjungli 뜻:noun, (인도의)정글 주민