Her great friend is a girl called julia we call them jays ! 她最好的朋友是个叫朱莉娅的女孩子,我们管她们叫“一对叽叽喳喳的小鸟”!
The vague contour of jay gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man . 杰伊盖次比的模糊轮廓已经逐渐充实成为一个血肉丰满的人了。
Jay gatsby, despite his huge house, his lavish parties, and his mysteriously dishonourable sources of income, is primarily a spokesman for youth . 查伊盖茨比虽然宅第广阔,夜宴豪华,财富的来源神密而不正当,他所代表的还是青春。
Jay : there ' s this new mp3 player i need to buy 杰伦:我需要买最新的mp3随身听。
Jays are several species of medium-sized, usually colorful and noisy, passerine birds in the crow family Corvidae. The names jay and magpie are somewhat interchangeable, and the evolutionary relationships are rather complex.
jayとは意味:jay 懸巣 かけす ジェイ jay meaning: Noun: jay jey Crested largely blue bird Noun: Jay jey United States diplomat and jurist who negotiated peace treaties with Britain and served as the first chief...jay en francais:n. geai (oiseau); bavard, piplette; idiotjay artinya:burung jayjay 뜻:noun, 어치, 얼간이jay перевод:1) _зоол. ронжа, сойка (Garrulus glandarius) 2) надоедливый болтун; балаболка 3) безвкусно одетая женщина 4) простак; деревенщина 5) _ам. щеголь 6) _сл. сигарета с марихуаной