Just received jarl ' s jcc 600 ( all cw ) # 17 certificate ( see attaching picture ) . a small gun ( barefoot and wire dipole ) together with persistence do achieve the goal 刚收到日本陆佰城市全报务奖状(见附图) 。只需轻装备( 100瓦特及偶极子天线)和意志耐力便能达至目标。
In this paper , various kinds of identity - authentication schemes are analyzed and compared , and the individual identity - authentication scheme is designed to meet the requirement of the jarl mis , which was based on fingerprint identification technology , digital signature technology and id technology . the design is also realized in the registration management system by fingerprint 本文通过对各种身份认证方案进行综合的分析和比较,并结合监狱指纹点名管理系统对身份认证方案的具体要求,设计了基于指纹识别、数字签名及智能卡技术于一体的个人身份认证方案,并将它在监狱指纹点名管理系统中予以实现。
JARL {略} : Japan Amateur Radio League, Inc. (社)日本アマチュア無線連盟◆【URL】http://www.jarl.or.jp/
jarl meaning: Noun: jarl yaa(r)l A chief; an earl; in English history, one of the leaders in the Danish and Norse invasions Derived forms: jarls Encyclopedia: Jarl jarl en francais:n. personne noble de la scandinavie; chef ou dirigeant en scandinavie médiévalejarl перевод:1) _ист. ярл