When they were together the jacobean and the victorian ages were juxtaposed . 她们俩在一块的时候,仿佛是詹姆士时代和维多利亚时代,杂凑在一起。
When they were together the jacobean and the victorian ages were juxtaposed . returning along the garden path tess mused on what the mother could have wished to ascertain from the book on this particular day 当苔丝沿着花园的小道回屋时,心里默默地想,母亲在今天这个特别的日子里是想从书中查找什么。
During simulation of kinematic calibration of virtual axis machine tool , indirect method is used for measuring its position and orientation ; meanwhile jacobean matrix regrouping method is used instead of arduous optimization to avoid measurement noise maginification 摘要在对虚拟轴机床进行运动学标定的仿真计算过程中,采用间接测量法对虚拟轴机床的运动进行间接测量,然后通过矩阵重构的方法来解决测量噪声的干扰问题。
The inverse kinematics of a space - based manipulator composed of three rigid bodies with prismatic joint are studied in the second chapter , and the jacobean matrix for space manipulator is derived by fully cartesian coordinates . a control method for space manipulator based on the resolved motion rate control concept is proposed 为此结合系统动量及动量矩守恒关系导出了以完全笛卡尔坐标表示的系统运动jacobi矩阵,并在此基础上研究了带滑移铰空间机械臂的分解运动速度控制方法,给出了计算机数值仿真算例,以此证明了该方法的有效性。
It is demonstrated by simulations that the control method is efficient and the fully cartesian coordinates is practically efficient . then the inverse kinematics of dual free flying space manipulator are mainly discussed in the third chapter , and the jacobean matrix for dual manipulator space robot is derived by fully cartesian coordinates , a control method for space manipulator based on the resolved motion rate control concept is proposed . then , the computer simulation verifies the effectiveness of the algorithm 首先,分析了闭环双臂空间机器人捕捉目标物体时的运动学关系,给出了以完全笛卡尔坐标表示的系统运动jacobi关系;然后,以此为基础研究了空间机器人双臂协调操作的分解运动速度控制方法和协调操作问题;最后应用matlab语言对平面双臂空间机器人系统进行了计算机模拟、仿真,仿真运算证实了上述方法的有效性。
jacobeanとは意味:{名-1} : 英国王{えい こくおう}ジェームズ一世時代{いっせい じだい}の人 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形-1} : 英国王{えい こくおう}ジェームズ一世時代{いっせい じだい}の -----------------------------------...jacobean meaning: Adjective: Jacobean `jaku'beeun Of or relating to James I or his reign or times "Jacobean writers" Noun: Jacobean `jaku'beeun Any distinguished pe...jacobean en francais:n. jacobean, homme d'état ou écrivain qui vécut durant la période du roi james i (roi d'angleterre)jacobean 뜻:adjective, noun, James I세(1603-1625) 시대의 (사람)jacobean перевод:1) _ист. относящийся к эпохе английского короля Якова I