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She hired a jackleg electrician to fix the lighting in her garden . and you know what happened next 她请了个蹩脚的电工修花园的照明系统。接下来的事我不说你也知道了。
And be in our country , the people of very much impoverished and backward area returns those who preserving a tradition to live idea , go up not to go to school , admit not know how to read does not have any meanings to them , giving birth to a son is to pass ancestor receive jackleg 而且在我国,很多贫困落后地区的人们还保留着传统的生存观念,上不上学,认不认字对他们来说没有任何意义,生了儿子就是为了传宗接代用的。
jacklegとは意味:{名} : 未熟者{みじゅく もの} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {形} : 未熟{みじゅく}な、素人{しろうと}の jackleg en francais:adj. bricoleur; qui fait un travail non professionneljackleg artinya:tak terlatihjackleg 뜻:adjective, noun, 미숙한(사람), 임시 변통의(것)(makeshift)jackleg перевод:1) _шотл. большой складной нож 2) _ам. _неодобр. неквалифицированный; любительский Ex: jackleg carpenter он немного столярничает 3) недобросовестный Ex: jackleg lawyer адвокат, берущийся за сомнит...