The task , admits robert zeigler , irri ' s director , is daunting , and will take ten years or more Irri主管承认,这项工程是极困难的,可能要持续10年以上之久。
Scientists at the international rice research institute ( irri ) doubt it is possible to improve productivity as much as is needed through better farming practices or the adoption of new strains derived from conventional cross - breeding 国际稻米研究协会科学家怀疑通过精耕细作和采用传统的同类杂交已经无法提升产量。
Scientists at the international rice research institute ( irri ) doubt it is possible to improve productivity as much as is needed through better farming practices or the adoption of new strains derived from conventional cross - breeding Irri的科学家们怀疑,采用更好的耕作办法和传统杂交手段培育的新品种,不能够增加产量。
Scientists at the international rice research institute ( irri ) doubt it is possible to improve productivity as much as is needed through better farming practices or the adoption of new strains derived from conventional cross - breeding Irri的科学家们怀疑通过采用更有效的耕作方法或者采用杂交培育的种子来生产足够多的粮食的可能性。
The results showed that the genetic distance between yungui indica and south china indica was the biggest ( 6 . 3451 ) and that between korea indica and irri indica the smallest ( 2 . 9141 ) among all 15 genetic distances of 6 ecotypes 结果表明,云贵籼和华南籼之间的遗传距离最大,为6 . 3451 ,韩国籼与irri灿之间的遗传距离最小,只有2 . 9141 。