A man of irreproachable conduct commands the respect of others . 为人处世品行方正的人受人敬佩。
That lady, prudent and reserved, maintained an irreproachable demeanour . 这位女士,持重,谨慎,保守了无可非议的品行。
He seemed to feel that by his own irreproachable regularity he would clear himself of blame . 他觉得靠自己这种完美无缺的条理性,就可以免于旁人的责备。
Do you know that he's the honestest and faithfullest fellow that ever lived, and that he has an irreproachable good name ? 你就不知道他是天地间顶顶忠实、顶顶可靠的家伙吗?你就不知道他有一个无可非议的好名誉吗?
After very little correspondence the princess had been elected an honorary member of this irreproachable institution to which she now intended to drive . 仅仅经过很少几次的通信联系,她就被选为她此刻要驱车前往的那个无可指摘的组织的名誉会员了。
irreproachableとは意味:{形} : とがめようのない、申し分ない◆reproach(動詞で「非難する」、名詞で「不名誉」)から派生。reproachable(非難すべき)という形容詞もあるが、irreproachable の方がはるかに使用頻度が高く、ネイティブスピーカーならまず知っている語。character(性格)や virtue(美徳)といった人格面や、family(家族)、background(背景)といった出自...irreproachable meaning: Adjective: irreproachable `iri'prowchubul Free of guilt; not subject to blame "of irreproachable character" - blameless , inculpable , unimpeachable See also: ...irreproachable en francais:adj. irréprochableirreproachable artinya:tidak tercelairreproachable 뜻:adjective, 비난할 여지가 없는, 결점없는, 흠잡을 데 없는(blameless)irreproachable перевод:1) безукоризненный, безупречный Ex: an irreproachable piece of architecture безукоризненное произведение архитектуры Ex: irreproachable conduct безупречное поведение