irateとは意味:irate adj. ひどく怒った. 【+前置詞】 ◆He was irate about her remark. 彼女の発言に激怒していた He was irate about the implementation of the new poll tax. 新しい人頭税の実施にひどく腹を立てた ◆He was irate over my refusal to participate. 私が参加...irate meaning: Adjective: irate Ireyt Feeling or showing extreme anger "irate protesters" - ireful See also: angry , irately Encyclopedia: Irate irate en francais:adj. courroucé, coléreux, furieux; enragé; nerveux, irritéirate artinya:marahirate 뜻:adjective, (문어)노한, 성난(angry)irate перевод:1) _книж. гневный Ex: irate words гневные слова 2) разгневанный