Effect of environmental control on photoautotrophy and leaf ultrastructure of plantlet in vitro of ipomoea batatas lam 环境调控对甘薯组培苗光合自养和叶片超微结构的影响
Influence of some factors on the fluorescence characterization of phosphatase in the thylakoid membrane of ipomoea aquatica 金属离子等因素对蕹菜类囊体膜蛋白磷酸酯酶荧光性质的影响
Effect of co2 concentration and photosynthetic photo flux density on photoautotrophic capability and peroxidase activity of ipomoea batatas lam in vitro 2浓度和光合光量子通量密度对叶用甘薯组培苗光合自养和过氧化物酶活力的影响
This enzyme was different with the ones reported in the past . a phosphatase was isolated from the chloroplast thylakoid membrane of ipomoea aquatica , by nacl extration , ammonium sulfate precipitation , ion - exchange chromatography and hydrophic chromatography through butyl - toyopearl 650m column 使用nacl抽提、硫酸铵分步沉淀、离子交换和butyl - toyopearl650m疏水柱层析等方法,从蕹菜叶绿体类囊体膜中分离纯化到一种蛋白磷酸酯酶。
For uncovering the effects of reversible phospharylation on the structure and function of psii reaction centre , we purified a protein phosphatase associated membrane from the thykaloid membrane of ipomoea aquatica chloroplasts . in our experiments we studied the enzymology and spect rum characters of the purified phosphatase . in our lab , one kind of protein phosphatase associated thylakoid membrane of pomoea aquatica has been isolated 迄今人们对类囊体蛋白磷酸酯酶的研究较少,为了研究可逆磷酸化对psii反应中心结构与功能的影响,本文以蕹菜为材料,从叶绿体类囊体膜中分离纯化到一种膜结合蛋白磷酸酯酶,进行了酶学性质和光谱性质的研究。