The legend : iolite s best gift is in leading us to inner knowledge about ourselves . it is the gemstone of intuition , spirtitual growth , and inner healing 1 .铁堇青石:堇青石中的两个主要成份镁和铁可以做同像替代,当铁元素含量大于镁元素称之为铁堇青石。
Healing powers iolite is one of the most helpful gemstones when dealing with addictions such as alcoholism . it assists in detoxification and maintaining sobriety 堇青石具有极强招财能力,帮助提高灵性和保持头脑清醒,更有助平衡身体的各种机能,保持身体健康。
Combine iolite with other prosperity stones citrine , aventurine , peridot , etc when the goal is to eliminate debt . iolite helps with the acceptance of financial responsibility and improves the ability ito manage finances . it also enhances leadership ability , personality power , self confidence , executive ability , and enhances intuition 用简单的话来描述就是同一颗宝石在不同的角度看上去呈现出两种不同的颜色如图,在它的多色性中最常出现的颜色为蓝色,紫色,淡黄色或无色,也因为这样堇青石又被称为二色石。
Iolite was the world s first polarizing filter , used to determine the exact position of the sun and navigate safely to the new world and back . the name iolite comes from the greek ios , which means violet . when cut properly , iolite is a stunning purplish blue color with a beautiful and attractive softness 堇青石的颜色很像缅甸所产出的蓝宝石且又因为它常含有水,所以又称之为水蓝宝石,更因为它具有蓝宝石的颜色及光泽且价格又比蓝宝石便宜很多,因此更被戏称为穷人家的蓝宝石,堇青石的能量是相当稳定的且不能以加热的方式来改变它的颜色是一种货真价实的宝石。
ioliteとは意味:{名} : アイオライト iolite meaning: /īˈō-līt/ noun Cordierite or dichroite, a strongly dichroic transparent gem, a silicate of aluminium, magnesium and iron, violet-blue, grey or yellow according to direction o...iolite перевод:1) _мин. иолит, кордиерит