During the examination , the invigilator did not discover the impersonation 在考试期间,监考员并无发现有人顶包参加考试。
Other offences included using obscene material , failing to follow invigilators " instructions and theft of work 其它违反考场规则的行为包括在试卷上写猥亵内容不听从监考人员命令以及偷看等。
Entrance exams can be taken under invigilators supervisor at our office to ensure each student s true ability is to be assessed by the schools admission tutors . we provide a range of services 与此同时,入学试可安排在我们的办公室进行监考,独立监考员将被邀请作监考,这样校方便可以评估学生的才智。
invigilatorとは意味:{名} : 〈英〉試験監督{しけん かんとく} invigilator meaning: Noun: invigilator Usage: Brit (= proctor ) Someone who watches examination candidates to prevent cheating - proctor [N. Amer] Derived forms: invigilators See also: invigilate ...invigilator en francais:n. garde; surveillant, pion (examen)invigilator artinya:pengawas ujianinvigilator 뜻:noun,invigilator перевод:1) _книж. следящий за тем, чтобы студенты не списывали во время экзаменов