Expanding area forecast of solenopsis invicta buren in the whole world 全球红火蚁扩张范围预测
Bobylon fireplace ltd . is the pioneer of fireplace manufacturer in china ; it takes possession of more than 40 % market share of the fireplace market in china for a time , followed by overseas fireplace giants dimplex , invicta etc . at year 2003 , new forces of fireplace producers suddenly rise in china , and once taken possession of over 50 % market share at the first quarter of 2004 巴比龙壁炉是较早进入中国市场的国内壁炉企业,专注于壁炉产品的研发、生产和销售。虽然在中国市场占据销量前几位,但正受到国外、国内壁炉的威胁,巴比龙壁炉能否在未来的发展中取得绝对的优势,关键在于它是否有一套适应中国壁炉市场的营销策略组合。