marked by a tendency to spread especially into healthy tissue; "invasive cancer cells"
relating to a technique in which the body is entered by puncture or incision
gradually intrusive without right or permission; "we moved back from the encroaching tide"; "invasive tourists"; "trespassing hunters" 同义词:encroaching, trespassing
involving invasion or aggressive attack; "invasive war" 同义词:incursive, invading
invasiveとは意味:{形} : 侵略的{しんりゃくてき}な、侵襲的{しんしゅう}な -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】inve'isiv、【分節】in?va?sive invasive meaning: Adjective: invasive in'veysiv Relating to a technique in which the body is entered by puncture or incision Marked by a tendency to spread especially into healthy tissue &qu...invasive en francais:adj. envahissantinvasive artinya:menyerbuinvasive 뜻:adjective, 침입하는, 침략적인, 침해의invasive перевод:1) захватнический; экспансионистский; агрессивный; насильственный Ex: invasive war захватническая (агрессивная) война 2) имеющий тенденцию к распространению Ex: invasive tumour _мед. пролиферирующа...