The root hair cell wall invaginates at the point of contact . 在接触点上,根毛细胞壁内凹。
The nuclear membrane invaginates and lysosomes are internalized . 核膜内陷,于是溶酶体被内在化。
Each cysticercus consists of a cyst wall and a single scolex invaginated into the lumen . 每一个囊尾蚴是由一个囊壁和陷入囊腔中的单独一个头节所组成的。
The cell membrane invaginates , encloses the fluid or particles , then fuses again , forming a vesicle that later detaches and moves to the cell interior 细胞膜先内陷关住液体或微粒,然后再次加以融合,形成小泡,小泡随后脱离细胞膜进入细胞内。
Membranes of host mesophyll cells had marked pathological changes , organelles disintegrated , cytoplasm condensed , plasmalemma invaginated , and eventually the whole cell disintegrated and necrotized 寄主叶肉细胞的膜系统明显病变,细胞器解体,细胞质凝聚,质膜内陷,最终整个细胞坏死解体。