This is because each language has many intricacies and peculiarities . 这是由于每一种语言都有许多难点和特殊的地方。
She needs to know the intricacies of purchasing on a large scale, as well as how to make beds and clean carpets properly . 她必须懂得如何正确铺床叠被、清洁地毯,还必须了解采购大宗物品这种复杂工作。
Look at the intricacy of the scrollwork on the stem 我想看看烟斗柄那里的螺旋型装饰
He was lost in the intricacies of a new electric motor 他全神贯注于一种新式电马达的复杂结构。
Body parts - revealing the intricacy and fragility of the human body 人体解构-揭示复杂而脆弱的
intricacyとは意味:intricacy n. 複雑さ, 錯綜. 【動詞+】 ◆The book is a mine of information to those who have the patience to explore its intricacies. その本は難解ではあるがその錯綜した内容を究めるしんぼう強さをもった人々には知識の宝庫だ ◆master the intricacies of securit...intricacy meaning: Noun: intricacy intrukusee Marked by elaborately complex detail - elaborateness , elaboration , involution Derived forms: intricacies Type of: complexity , complexness...intricacy en francais:n. complexité, complication; embarras; broussailleintricacy artinya:keruwetanintricacy 뜻:noun, 복잡(함), 얽힌(복잡한)사물intricacy перевод:1) запутанность, сложность; затруднительность Ex: the intricacy of a plot запутанность (сложность) сюжета Ex: the intricacies of political behaviour сложность политической тактики 2) лабиринт Ex: ...