The students of arts thought more of " intimity " and " learning " than the students of science 情境模拟控制两个变量,即“信息公开与否”和“是否与己有关” 。
Firstly , the surface characteristic of polystyrene particle is changed from water detesting to water intimity by using special techniques and admixtures so mat the compound quality with inorganic materials is insured . secondly , the contradiction between the weight and strength is solved through optimizing the particle size and using composite fiber and the best heat conductivity is achieved under the condition that the necessary strength is met . in the research process , the author solved the problem of fiber dispersing in insulating materials so that the contraction of the material is controlled 课题研究中,首先采用特殊的改性工艺及外加剂实现对聚苯乙烯颗粒表面的成功改性,使其表面由憎水转化为完全亲水,确保与无机材料的复合质量;其次,通过采用优化骨料级配及使用复合纤维等措施解决了保温材料的轻质与强度的矛盾,使保温材料在满足必要的强度的前提下,导热系数降至最小;并且,课题研究中成功解决了纤维在保温材料中均匀分散的问题,达到了抑制保温材料收缩的目的;最后,通过采用复合外加剂、合适的胶凝材料及合理的配比等措施确保该保温材料具有良好的和易性,满足施工的要求。