Hello ! wish you are healthy above all ! fruit of xiang yu the conqueror is the intertropical fruit of hainan island 你好!首先祝你身体健康!霸王果是海南岛的热带水果。
Vera is a plant grows in the area of intertropical desert , which contains natural vitamin , mineral , protein active enzyme and lots of amino acid 美国富恩堂芦荟采用纯天然芦荟凝干粉精制而成。米黄芦荟富含天然维生素、矿物质、蛋白质活性酶及多种氨基酸。对慢性胃炎,消化不良,慢性便秘,肠炎等疗效显著。
intertropicalとは意味:{形} : 熱帯地方の intertropical meaning: Adjective: intertropical Situated between or within the tropics intertropical en francais:adj. intertropical (situé entre le tropique du cancer et le tropique du capricorne)intertropical 뜻:adjective, (남북)양회귀선 사이의, 열대 지방의intertropical перевод:1) _геогр. находящийся, расположенный между Северным и Южным тропиками (Рака и Козерога), в тропическом поясе 2) тропический