Grabau first recognized the interrelations of the two variables . 葛利普最早认识到这两种变动的关系。
The born-haber cycle is a thermodynamic cycle that shows the interrelation of these quantities . 波恩-哈伯循环是一个热力学循环,表示了这些量之间的关系。
The interrelation between the signs of the birefringence in the planes of symmetry can be deduced from the index ellipsoid . 各对称面的双折射符号之间的相互关系,可以从标准椭球体推定。
On the interrelation between intertextuality and translation 互文性理论与翻译的关联
On the interrelation of science and philosophy 试论科学和哲学的相互关系
interrelationとは意味:interrelation n. 相互関係. 【+前置詞】 ◆the interrelations between custom and morality 慣習と道徳の相互関係 ◆interrelations of historical events 歴史上の出来事の相互関係 ◆interrelations within a system 1 つの組織内の相互関係. interrelation meaning: Noun: interrelation `intu(r)ri'leyshun Mutual or reciprocal relation or relatedness - interrelationship , interrelatedness Derived forms: interrelations See also: interr...interrelation en francais:n. interdépendanceinterrelation artinya:hubunganinterrelation 뜻:noun, 상호 관계interrelation перевод:1) (of, between) взаимоотношение, взаимосвязь, соотношение