Foreigner : that ' s certainly insultingly derogatory 外:那真是诬蔑性的诽谤。
Page 24 : " you ' re barely suitable to be mononoke ' s wife , " hissed the duke insultingly “你做猫怪的妻子很合适。 ”城主无理地讥诮女儿。
Madame danglars gazed on villefort , stupefied to find him so almost insultingly calm 腾格拉尔夫人望着维尔福,她觉得这种态度是对她的侮辱。
She had treated me like a school - boy and , to deceive me , had resorted to an insultingly simple ruse ? that much was clear 为了欺骗我,她耍了一个简单的手段来侮辱我,这难道还不清楚吗?
He threatened them with instant death , but they had placed his thunderbolt out of reach and laughed insultingly at him 他威胁说要把他们立即处死,但他们早把霹雳放在他伸手莫及的地方,因而对他的威胁报以满带嘲弄的大笑。
insultinglyとは意味:{副} : 侮辱的{ぶじょくてき}に、無礼{ぶれい}にも、失礼{しつれい}に insultingly meaning: Adverb: insultingly in'súltinglee In a disrespectful and insulting manner "he behaves insultingly toward his parents" In an unfair and insulting manner - foul...insultingly en francais:adv. de façon insultante; de façon blessanteinsultingly artinya:secara menghinainsultingly 뜻:adverb,