lacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion; "humans are innately inhumane; this explains much of the misery and suffering in the world"; "biological weapons are considered too inhumane to be used"
inhumaneとは意味:inhumane 刻薄 酷薄 こくはく inhumane meaning: Adjective: inhumane `inhyoo'meyn Lacking and reflecting lack of pity or compassion "humans are innately inhumane; this explains much of the misery and suffering in the world...inhumane en francais:adj. inhumain; dépourvu de sentiment humaininhumane artinya:tidak mempunyai sifat kasihinhumane 뜻:adjective, 몰인정(잔학)한, 무자비한inhumane перевод:1) негуманный; бесчеловечный, жестокий