

发音:   用"inherency"造句
  • 固有性
  • 基本属性
  • 内在性
  • inherent:    adj. 内在的,固有的,生来的 (in)。 inherent stability 【航空】固有稳定性。 the power inherent in the office of President 总统一职所具有的权力。 Weight is an inherent quality of matter. 重量是物质固有的特性。 He has an inherent love of beauty. 他天生爱美。 adv. -ly
  • inherence:    n. 内在(性),固有(性),基本属性。
  • inherent addre ing:    固有寻址
  • inhere:    vi. 固有,具有(性质等) (in); (权利)属于(人);原有 (in); 含有(意义)。
  • inherent addressing:    固有寻址


  1. Risk is the inherency of finance system and finance activity . while risk management is the most important content of the whole business and management activity which finance institutes pursue
  2. Power - oriented political integration pattern of modern nation - state , relying on its abstract locality - beyond identification mechanism , accomplishes the national integration of split societies . however , the lack of inherency and localism in this integration and consequently the crisis in standardizing structure unanimously , as well as the diversity of identification and the alienated state among individuals and groups , bring about the biggest domestic problem in politics in each nation - state after the cold war


  1. the state of inhering; the state of being a fixed characteristic; "the inherence of polysemy in human language"


    Inherency is a stock issue in policy debate that refers to a barrier that keeps a harm from being solved in the status quo.


        inherent:    adj. 内在的,固有的,生来的 (in)。 inherent stability 【航空】固有稳定性。 the power inherent in the office of President 总统一职所具有的权力。 Weight is an inherent quality of matter. 重量是物质固有的特性。 He has an inherent love of beauty. 他天生爱美。 adv. -ly
        inherence:    n. 内在(性),固有(性),基本属性。
        inherent addre ing:    固有寻址
        inhere:    vi. 固有,具有(性质等) (in); (权利)属于(人);原有 (in); 含有(意义)。
        inherent addressing:    固有寻址
        inherad:    因黑拉德
        inherent ambiguity:    固有二义性
        inhcluded crystal:    结晶包体
        inherent ash:    固有灰分; 内在灰分; 原生灰分
        inhavuro lake:    伊尼亚武罗湖


        inherencyとは意味:{名} : 固有の性質、持ち前の性質
        inherency meaning: Noun: inherency The state of inhering; the state of being a fixed characteristic - inherence Derived forms: inherencies Type of: presence Encyclopedia: Inherency
        inherency en francaisn. inhérence
        inherency 뜻:noun,
        inherency перевод:1) _книж. неотъемлемое свойство; присущее качество 2) _книж. неотделимость, неотъемлемость


  1. inhavuro lake 什么意思
  2. inhcluded crystal 什么意思
  3. inherad 什么意思
  4. inhere 什么意思
  5. inherence 什么意思
  6. inherent 什么意思
  7. inherent addre ing 什么意思
  8. inherent addressing 什么意思
  9. inherent ambiguity 什么意思
  10. inherent ash 什么意思


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