incursionとは意味:incursion n. 乱入, 侵入. 【動詞+】 ◆make an incursion into a neighboring country 隣国に侵入する ◆Local restaurant owners protested the incursion of American junk food. 《米》 地元のレストラン所有者たちはアメリカ製のジャンクフードの侵入に抗議した. 【形容詞 名...incursion meaning: Noun: incursion in'kurzhun The act of entering some territory or domain (often in large numbers) "the incursion of television into the American living room" An ...incursion en francais:n. incursion, invasion, attaque, dépouillement; infiltration, percéeincursion artinya:seranganincursion 뜻:noun, 침입, 습격(invasion)(하천등의)유입incursion перевод:1) вторжение, набег, налет Ex: to make incursions on smb.'s territory совершать набеги на чью-либо территорию 2) наступление (моря) Ex: to protect the lowland from the incursions of the sea защищат...