Appropriate immunization against tetanus must be given to all patients with full thickness burn injury . 对所有全厚度烧伤的病人都必须给予破伤风免疫注射。
Care should also be exercised in the immunization of children with a family history of an allergic diathesis . 对具有过敏素质家族史的儿童,在进行免疫时,亦宜加小心。
The fall in incidence of whooping cough in the very young is directly related to widespread immunization with suitability . 幼儿百日咳发病率的下降,是与广泛使用一种适宜的免疫法直接有关。
Control measures based on the cause of the problem may include slaughter quarantine, environmental sanitation, and immunization . 根据流行病的发生原因而采取的控制措施包括屠宰、检疫、环境卫生及免疫接种。
Wasn ' t he doing immunization work in south america 他不是再南美做防疫的工作吗