immaculate: adj. 洁净的,纯洁的;洁白的;〔常谑〕毫无瑕疵的,无缺点的;【生物学】纯色的,无斑点的。 an immaculate shirt 洁白的衬衫。 an immaculate text 完全正确的版本。 I- Conception 【宗教】(关于圣母玛利亚的)纯洁受胎说,圣灵怀胎说。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
You go into immaculacy for affection , and you let life becomes eternal for love , with your little heart holds boundless hone and endless love as full warm water in a vernal river 你因情而变得纯洁,你为爱使生命成为永恒;娇小的心,容纳着满江春水般漫漫的思念、漫漫的爱。
In spite of getting hurt , on no account should i leave her alone in the vulgar world , since i have my final determination that i will devote myself to hold her immaculacy till to my energy used up 尽管,我感到了心痛,但我决不能把她独自留在这庸俗的世界里,因为我已下定决心,付出我的一切来守护她的纯洁直到我生命的结束。