One of the amino acids, called prolene, is not really an amino acid, but imino acid . 有一种称为脯氨酸的氨基酸实际上并不是氨基酸,而是亚氨基酸。
Synthetic method of imino diacetic acid 亚氨基二乙酸合成工艺
This thesis was composed in three parts : ( 1 ) the performance of the catalysts for the oligomerization and polymerization of ethylene ; ( 2 ) the comonomer effect of the in - situ copolymerization of ethylene by the bis ( imino ) - pyridyl iron complexes and metallocenes ; ( 3 ) the in - situ copolymerization of ethylene by cobalt - based catalysts and metallocenes 本论文共分为3部分:催化剂性能的评价,双亚胺基吡啶铁配合物与茂金属复配催化乙烯原位共聚中的共单体效应以及双亚胺基吡啶钴配合物与茂金属复配催化乙烯原位共聚。
iminoとは意味:{形} : イミノ~ imino meaning:[Medicine] adj : relating to or containing the NH group or its substituted form NR united to a group other than an acid group imino en francais:adj. imino, relatif à l'imine (composé chimique)