I had seen something of this imbroglio at first hand . 我曾经亲眼看到过这种乱七八糟的东西。
Lately there had been big problems facing him, quite apart from tonight's imbroglio . 最近他面临着许多重大问题,还不算象今天晚上这样混乱。
Polls show about 65 per cent of greeks blame karamanlis for the imbroglio 民意调查显示, 65的希腊人因窃听事件而指责卡拉曼利斯。
The columbia imbroglio illustrates that at least for universities , the size of revenues expected from patents does matter 从哥大的争议可以看出,至少对大学来讲,预期的专利权收入确实丰厚到不容忽视。
After missing the first 25 games of the regular season because of a contract imbroglio that , at times , turned ugly , varejao is back in business 在因为蹩脚的,有时候甚至变得恶心的合同而缺席了常规赛前25场后,巴西人终于回到正事上了。
imbroglioとは意味:imbroglio n. (pl. ~s) 紛糾; ごたごた. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆fall into a financial imbroglio 財政的紛糾に陥る ◆the Palestine imbroglio パレスチナの紛糾. 【+前置詞】 ◆I got caught up in the imbroglio between the smokers and the nonsmokers. ...imbroglio meaning: Noun: imbroglio im'browlyow An intricate and confusing interpersonal or political situation - embroilment A very embarrassing misunderstanding Derived forms: imbroglios...imbroglio en francais:n. imbroglio (mot italien); complication, confusion, mélange, incompréhensionimbroglio artinya:keruwetanimbroglio 뜻:noun, ((연극의)복잡한 줄거리, (사물)의 뒤얽힘, 분규, 혼란imbroglio перевод:1) _ит. сложная, запутанная ситуация Ex: financial imbroglio финансовое осложнение 2) путаница, недоразумение 3) ссора; спор 4) _редк. беспорядочная кипа 5) _муз. полиритмия