We commented adversely upon the imbecility of that message of telegraphic style . 我们对着这条电报式的愚蠢的留言发泄了一通不满。
Gervais described a whole episode of the revision , only remarkable for the imbecility of all concerned in it 热尔韦讲了一件有关监察的事,这件事所以引人注目,是因为当事人的行为太荒谬了。
If hundreds of civilians are killed , and hundreds of thousands put to flight , so be it : in war , under israel ' s philosophy , moderation is imbecility 如果有成百上千的市民将在这场站战争中丧生,成千上万的士兵将要牺牲,那就让它发生吧:在以色列的战争哲学中,适可而止就是低能愚蠢。
If hundreds of civilians are killed , and hundreds of thousands put to flight , so be it : in war , under israel ' s philosophy , moderation is imbecility 如果有成百上千的市民将在这场站战争中丧生,成千上万的市民为躲避战火而背井离乡,那也让它发生吧:在以色列的战争哲学中,适可而止就是低能愚蠢。
Some people have endeavored to carry out an enterprise where many hands were needed , but have been well - nigh appalled at times by the imbecility of the average man ? the inability or unwillingness to concentrate on a thing and do it 有的人苦苦经营着人数众多的大企业,但有时候令人吃惊的是,部分员工碌碌无为,他们要么没有能力,要么根本没用心。