illnessとは意味:illness n. 病気. 【動詞+】 ◆He bore his illness admirably. 立派に病気に堪えた ◆They brought on illness by…. …のために病気になった ◆He contracted an illness from which he never recovered. 病気にかかってついに回復しなかった ◆cope with a long il...illness meaning: Noun: illness ilnis Impairment of normal physiological function affecting part or all of an organism - unwellness , malady , sickness Derived forms: illnesses See also: ...illness en francais:n. maladieillness artinya:penyakitillness 뜻:noun, 병illness перевод:1) болезнь, заболевание; нездоровье Ex: to be suddenly seized with illness внезапно заболеть Ex: he suffers from a serious illness у него тяжелое заболевание Ex: to have a long illness долго болеть...