Building relevant illative mechanism according to the current way of knowledge expression and the characteristic of scheduling in or out warehouse in automatic storage / retrieval system 4 、根据已有的知识表示方式和自动化立体仓库出入库调度的特点,构建了相应的推理机制。
( 2 ) some key technologies for dam safety analysis and evaluation , such as evaluative knowledge and illative knowledge , were studied based on knowledge structure of dss ( 2 )从系统知识构成出发,研究了系统实现对大坝安全状况进行分析评价所需的评价类知识和推理类知识等知识工程的关键技术。
Sue to the court directly : agreement should be in duplicate , that ought to do not have your copartner autograph in your hand , but the another autograph on that agreement of company of illative and oriental meal is hind add ; you can be sued to the court , tell its break a contact , ask its are returned join in administration fee , bear responsibility of breach of contract and your loss 直接向法院起诉:协议书应是一式两份,你手中的那份应当没有你合伙人的签名,可推定东方餐饮公司的那份协议书上的另一签名是后添加的;你可起诉至法院,诉其违约,要求其退还加盟治理费,并承担违约责任和你的损失。