I conceive that you ignorantly worship; in all things you appear to me too superstitions . 我认为你是在愚昧地崇拜,我觉得你对各种事情都很迷信。
For when one expects , one ignorantly narrows one ' s focus 因为当一个人有所期待时,就会无意识地忽略其他东西。
Despite all our chatter about being practical , to be practical in the west means to be ignorantly , and often selfishly , short - sighted 虽然我们老是说要实际,但“实际”在西方却意谓着无知、自私、短见。
Who was before a blasphemer , and a persecutor , and injurious : but i obtained mercy , because i did it ignorantly in unbelief 13我从前是亵渎神的,逼迫人的,悔慢人的。然而我还蒙了怜悯,因我是不信不明白的时候而作的。
However , if we re stupid , ignorantly follow the prince of the devils , and are thus controlled by karma , we can t possibly be liberated 不过,如果我们笨蛋,不知道,又跟著魔王走,跟著业障跑的话,那我们根本没有办法解脱。
ignorantlyとは意味:{副} : 知らないで、無学で、無知で ignorantly meaning: Adverb: ignorantly ignuruntlee In ignorance; in an ignorant manner "they lived ignorantly in their own small world" - obliviously See also: ignorant Encyclo...ignorantly en francais:adv. par ignorance; sans connaissanceignorantly artinya:dengan ketidak-tahuanignorantly 뜻:어쩌다ignorantly перевод:1) невежественно; ввиду незнания, по неосведомленности Ex: to worship ignorantly слепо боготворить