As rs ' s monitoring and control system based on ifix 基于高性能锁相环的频率控制系统
Coal handling control systems based on ifix amp; amp; concept in power plant 在火电厂给煤机变频控制系统中的应用
Finally , the configuration software of ifix applied in the new type cement dry process production line is introduced completely , and the thesis gives the expectation on the development of the configuration software 最后,本文详细介绍了ifix组态软件在新型干法水泥生产线中的应用,还就组态软件在生产过程控制中的应用给出了设想和展望。
And the paper also gives a suggestion that the security problems be resolved through security socket layer ( ssl ) , etc . finally , the paper makes a case study on the controlling system to build the infranet at the steel - making workshop at orient steel co . based on a subsystem - monitoring platform for the steel - making facilities designed by the author by using a controllogix plc of rockwell company and ifix of intellution company 本文最后以东方钢铁公司炼钢车间的工业控制系统为研究对象,结合作者利用ab公司的controllogix系列plc和intellution的ifix上位监控软件来搭建上业控制网络组成现场监控模块,设计了基于互联网的远程炼钢车间控制系统。并进行了系统的应用分析与研究。