idyllとは意味:{名} : 田園詩、田園文学{でんえんぶんがく}、物語詩、牧歌{ぼっか} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】a'idl、【@】アイディル、【変化】《複》idylls idyll meaning: Noun: idyll Id(u)l or idil An episode of such pastoral or romantic charm as to qualify as the subject of a poetic idyll - idyl A musical composition that evokes rural life...idyll en francais:n. idylle, petit poème ou petit pièce à sujet pastoral; scène pastorale; amouretteidyll artinya:pastoralidyll 뜻:noun, 전원시, 목가, (한가한)전원 풍경, 전원시곡, 낭만적인 이야기idyll перевод:1) _лит. идиллия 2) идиллия, счастливая безмятежная жизнь 3) _муз. пастораль