Ideational metaphor and genre characteristics of sci - tech english 实现科技英语语篇语体特征的有效途径
Ideational theme with different semantic properties and micro - register text types reading after the old man and the sea 调谐质量阻尼器对海洋平台的减振效果分析
Halliday distinguishes three linguistic functions : the ideational , the interpersonal , and the textual . each component of the language network corresponds to one of the functions 语言系统的每一个成份都与某一特定的语言功能相对应。
Using the transitivity of ideational function in the three meta - functions of the language , this paper attempts to analyze a piece of news from china daily 本文运用三大纯理功能之经验功能理论中的及物性对一具体的新闻报道进行实例分析。
In the research , we take the chinese clause as the object , and extract the chinese functional model ( cfm ) using systemic functional grammar as the theory to analyze the clause ' s ideational metafunction 本课题以汉语小句为研究对象,利用“系统功能文法”对小句的概念元功能进行分析,提取出“汉语功能模型” ( cfm ) 。
being of the nature of a notion or concept; "a plan abstract and conceptional"; "to improve notional comprehension"; "a notional response to the question" 同义词:conceptional, notional
ideationalとは意味:{形} : 観念的{かんねんてき}な、概念的{がいねんてき}な ideational meaning: Adjective: ideational `Idee'eyshunul Being of the nature of a notion or concept - conceptional , notional See also: abstract , ideation ideational en francais:adj. idéationnelideational перевод:1) _книж. воображаемый 2) _книж. _филос. относящийся к образованию понятий 3) _книж. _филос. относящийся к представлению о предметах, непосредственно не воспринимаемых чувствами