Nov . 16 , 2006 , intel china research center ( icrc ) postdoctoral workstation becomes a part of the national talent cultivation system 2006年11月16日,英特尔中国研究中心( icrc )举行博士后工作站正式宣告运行,成为国家人才培养体系的一部分。
Mary werntz , chief official of the icrc in nepal , said it was publishing a list of the 800 names in newspapers so that people can come forward with any information they have 尼泊尔国际红十字会会长玛丽温兹说,该会已在报纸上刊登一份800人姓名的名单,以便民众提供其所掌握的任何讯息。
The icrc delegates are working hard , in difficult security conditions . they supply hospitals and first aid posts with emergency medicaments and they distribute relief material 本会致力于提供协助和保护最需要的人,我们的工作人员不顾危险仍很尽力提供药品给各医院和医疗站和分发赈济品给灾民。
Without the compassion and supportive spirit of its donors , the icrc would be forced to leave many men , women and children abandoned to the terrors and dreadful consequences of war 如果没有捐款人士的爱心支持,红十字国际委员会只能看着许多无辜的男女老幼,在恐怖的灾难和战争中受到伤害而束手无策。
Late last year , the international committee for red cross ( icrc ) , the guardian of the geneva conventions governing conduct in warfare , lambasted " utter contempt " for humanity in us - occupied iraq 去年底,管辖战争中行为之日内瓦公约的监护者- - - - -红十字国际委员会( icrc ) ,鞭斥在美占伊拉克底下,对人性的“全然藐视” 。
ICRC {略} : International Committee of the Red Cross 赤十字国際委員会◆1863年創立◆【URL】
icrc meaning:[Defence] International Committee of the Red Crossicrc en francais:c.i.c.r., comité international de la croix-rouge0icrc (international committee of the red cross)icrc 뜻:phrase, International Committee of Red Cross 국제 적십자 위원회icrc перевод:сокр. от International Committee of the Red Cross Международное общество Красного Креста ICRC сокр. от International Committee of the Red Cross Международное общество Красного Креста