He lost no time in following ichabod 他一刻不离地紧跟著伊卡伯。
As ichabod was an unskilful rider , he had much difficulty in keeping his seat 因为伊卡伯是位笨拙的骑士,所以实在很难安坐在马背上的而不掉下来。
It was at midnight that ichabod began to go back on horseback along the sides of the hill 当伊卡伯骑上马开始沿著小山坡回家时,已是午夜时分了。
Ichabod heard the clattering of hoofs behind him and quickened his horse , hoping to leave it behind 伊卡伯听到他身后踏踏的马蹄声,于是快马加鞭,希望能甩掉它。
Just as ichabod had got half way through the trees , the girth of the saddle gave way , and he felt it slipping from under him 就在伊卡伯穿过这片树林的半路上,马鞍的肚带松掉了,并且它可以感觉到它在往下滑落。
Ichabod ( inglorious) is named by the Books of Samuel as the brother of Ahitub. Ichabod is also identified by the Books of Samuel as having been the son of Phinehas, and as having been born on the day that the Ark was taken into Philistine captivity.