In january , martyn honeyford provided us with an introduction into native compilation and gcj see 一月份, martyn honeyford为我们提供了本机编译和gcj的简介(请参阅
Martyn honeyford graduated from nottingham university with a b . sc . in computer science in 1996 Martyn honeyford在1996年毕业于诺丁汉大学,并获得了计算机科学的理科学士学位。
Section of developerworks . martyn honeyford graduated from nottingham university with a b . sc . in computer science in 1996 Martyn honeyford 1996年毕业于诺丁汉大学,获计算机科学学士学位。
Developerworks , july 2004 , martyn honeyford suggests that your own linux distribution on a portable drive offers the same portability - but greater flexibility - than a livecd . find more resources for linux developers in the ( developerworks , 2004年7月)中, martyn honeyford指出,您自己的可移动驱动器上的linux发行版本可以提供与livecd相同的轻便性而且更为灵活。