On and on the harangue went, an endless sport . 无休止的慷慨激昂,无休止的戏谑挖苦。
He continued in his customary, haranguing style . 他继续以他一贯的夸夸其谈的手法讲下去。
The mercer indeed made a long harangue of the great loss they have daily by the lifters and thieves . 绸缎商的确滔滔不绝地说了一大篇关于扒手和小偷天天偷窃他们从而造成巨大损失的事。
But the venom of the chaplain's harangue had worked into his blood and sapped the life of his sweet contentment . 可是那个家庭牧师的恶毒,浮夸的言论影响到了他的情绪,夺走了他的怡然自得的活力。
If anything could have added gall to bitterness, it was the choice which saddletree made of a subject for his prosing harangues . 如果说黄连还会加进苦胆,那就是萨德尔特里为他的高谈阔论所选定的题目。
harangueとは意味:1harangue n. 熱烈な演説. 【動詞+】 ◆Sometimes the boss delivered a harangue on the need for more effort. ときどき社長はいっそう努力することが必要だと熱弁をふるった. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆a boring harangue 退屈な大演説 ◆launch into a long harangue 長広舌をやり始め...harangue meaning: Verb: harangue hu'rang Deliver a harangue to; address forcefully Noun: harangue hu'rang A loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion - rant , r...harangue en francais:n. harangue, discours solennel; discours pompeux v. haranguer; faire une harangue, prononcerharangue artinya:berpidato panjang lebarharangue 뜻:noun, vi, vt, (장황한)열변(토하다), 장광설(을 늘어 놓다)harangue перевод:1) публичная речь; горячее, страстное обращение 2) _неодобр. разглагольствование; речуга 3) выступать с речью; обращаться горячо и страстно 4) разглагольствовать