A happening is a performance, event or situation meant to be considered art, usually as performance art. Happenings take place anywhere, and are often multi-disciplinary, with a nonlinear narrative and the active participation of the audience.
happeningとは意味:happening n. 出来事. 【動詞+】 ◆If there had been a way to avoid today's sad happening, …. きょうの悲しい出来事を避ける方法があったなら… ◆In old days a solar eclipse was regarded as heralding some unusual happening. 昔, 日食は何か異常な出来...happening meaning: Noun: happening hapuning An event that happens - occurrence , occurrent , natural event Verb: happen hapun Come to pass "What is happening?" ...happening en francais:n. événementhappening artinya:kejadianhappening 뜻:noun, 우발사, 사건, 해프닝(즉흥적인 행위나 행사)happening перевод:1) случай, событие Ex: happenings of the past year события прошлого года 2) _театр. хэппенинг (род авангардистского драматического представления; состоит из ряда не связанных друг с другом эпизодов;...