Haply some poison yet hangs on them to make me die 或许那上面还有残存可以助我死去。
Haply , when i shall wed 快乐地我要结婚了
Haply , when i shall wed 快乐地我要结婚了
But if it be of god , ye cannot overthrow it ; lest haply ye be found even to fight against god 39若是出于神,你们就不能败坏他们。恐怕你们倒是攻击神了。
Verily many things are wondrous , and haply tales decked out with cunning fables beyond the truth make false men ' s speech concerning them 许多事情却是神奇,偶尔一些传说为那狡诈的谎言修饰,超出了真实,让人们言及时也语犯虚妄。
haplyとは意味:{副} : 期せずして -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】hae'pli、【分節】hap?ly haply meaning: Adverb: haply haplee Usage: archaic By accident "betrayed by a word haply overheard" - by chance , by luck haply en francais:adv. peut-être; par hasardhaply artinya:jangan-janganhaply 뜻:adverb, 우연히 ad, 우연히, 아마, 어쩌면haply перевод:1) случайно; возможно