My dad is an ob gyn and my mother is a home - establisher 我爸爸是妇产科医生,我母亲是家管。
If this time has passed , seek the assistance of your ob / gyn 如果已经超过一年的话,那么就咨询下你的妇产科医生吧。
Richard : i finished the residency in ob - gyn , but my real passion is research 我在医院完成了实习但我真正感兴趣的还是研究
2 . the primary classification of a gymnodinium sp . ( gyn - 15 ) , whose species name was undetermined 2 .对裸甲藻属未鉴定种( gyn一15 )进行了初步鉴定。
Referring physicians were categorized as a primary care proider ( pcp ) or specialist ( internist , ob / gyn ) 研究人员将咨询医生分成两类:初级护理医师( pcp )和专业医师(内科医师:产科医师/妇科医师) 。
A gyn is a form of three legged lifting device used on sailing ships. It provides more stability than a derrick or sheers, and requires no rigging for support.