a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money); "the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line" 同义词:boom, bonanza, gold rush, godsend, manna from heaven, windfall, bunce
the seasoned but not thickened juices that drip from cooking meats; often a little water is added 同义词:pan gravy
a sauce made by adding stock, flour, or other ingredients to the juice and fat that drips from cooking meats
gravyとは意味:gravy n. 肉汁; 《口語》 うまい汁, ぼろもうけ, わいろ. 【動詞+】 ◆They got the gravy from the foreign investments. 《口語》 国外投資によって甘い汁を吸った ◆Always make the gravy at the last moment. いつも最後に肉汁を作りなさい ◆Pass the gravy, please. グレービ...gravy meaning: Noun: gravy greyvee A sauce made by adding stock, flour, or other ingredients to the juice and fat that drips from cooking meats The seasoned but not thickened juices that dr...gravy en francais:n. jus, sauce de viande; argent facilement gagnégravy artinya:keuntungangravy 뜻:noun, 고깃국물, 부정 이득gravy перевод:1) сок, который выделяется из мяса при жаренье, тушении 2) подливка; соус Ex: excellent gravy превосходная подливка 3) _сл. легкая нажива; незаконные доходы; взятка Ex: to dip in the gravy поживит...