All the town was drifting toward the graveyard . 全镇的人都象流水似地向那坟场涌过去。
A drystone wall enclosed a graveyard where wildflowers grew . 清水石墙环抱着野花丛生的墓地。
The village of weatherbury was quiet as the graveyard in its midst, and the living were lying well-nigh as still as the dead . 韦瑟伯利村镇静得很象坟场,生灵都象死一般地沉睡着。
Where have all the graveyards gone , long time ago 很久以前,所有的墓地都在哪里
It ' s a graveyard . it ' s where they bring people - 这里是坟地,他们把人带到这里来
graveyardとは意味:graveyard n. 墓地, 墓場. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆the ancestral graveyard 先祖の(祭られている)墓地 ◆an automobile graveyard 自動車廃棄場 ◆Nobody was to be seen in the silent graveyard. 静まり返った墓地にはだれもいなかった. 【+前置詞】 ◆a graveyard for old ca...graveyard meaning: Noun: graveyard 'greyv`yaa(r)d A tract of land used for burials - cemetery , burial site , burial ground , burying ground , memorial park , necropolis , boneyard Derived...graveyard en francais:n. cimetièregraveyard artinya:makamgraveyard 뜻:noun, 묘지graveyard перевод:1) кладбище Ex: this firm is the graveyard of every initiative _образ. в этой фирме гибнет всякое (хорошее) начинание 2) место захоронения (опасных отходов) 3) _ам. _полит. _разг. тайна, большой се...