Goonda is a term in Indian English, Pakistani English, and Bangladeshi English for a hired thug. It is both a colloquial term and defined and used in laws, generally referred to as Goonda Acts.
goondaとは意味:{名} : 〈インド?英〉犯罪者{はんざいしゃ}、暴漢{ぼうかん}、チンピラ、暴力団{ぼうりょくだん}◆語源はヒンディー語 goonda meaning: /goonˈdə/ noun (in India and Pakistan) a hired thug, esp one in the pay of a political party ORIGIN: Hindi goonda a scoundrelgoonda en francais:n. truand, criminel, ganster, brute, personne violente, voyou